No matter if you want to develop personally in your culturally diverse environment or you are struggling in dealing with different cultures in global business
Global Mindset – 1 :1 Coaching for Business Professionals
I support you in
- Clarifying cross-cultural issues in your diverse work environment
- Developing a leadership approach that suits best to your diverse work team
- Discovering your talents and leveraging your personal potential as an actor of global business
- Navigating through times of transition when settling into a new culture
Move forward on your path: Develop a Global Mindset and improve your Cultural Intelligence!
To be able to perform successfully on the stage of global business you need to develop a mindset that makes it easy to navigate in culturally diverse environments. Performing with a global mindset means to act with a certain degree of Culturally Intelligence.
In a number of 1:1 coaching sessions – both in person or online – I assist you in
- Analyzing your critical situations from different angles
- Practicing flexibility in mind
- Improving your self-awareness
- Testing and implementing new behavioral approaches
- Detecting your potential for development in cross-cultural contexts and
- Finding your individual strategies with that you create an inspiring, satisfied and successful global life
How do we work together?
- In an INITIAL STRATEGY INTERVIEW you brief me about your intentions and I tell you how I can support you. We define your goals and prepare your schedule. This session is FREE!
- In a number of COACHING SESSIONS of +/- 60 minutes we work on your goals.
- You will get some HOMEWORK – both for your mind and your body.
- After each session I provide a short SUMMARY about achievements and tasks.
- Goal achieved? Time to celebrate!
I believe that moving our mind cannot happen without moving our body. That´s why use Brain Gym© methods as well as mindfulness techniques in my coaching sessions. While simply moving your body and/or being mindful you easily gain new perspectives and delete blind spots. Learning becomes light, development becomes fun. You enter the highly productive and deeply satisfying state of flow and focus.
I conduct personal coaching sessions in Indonesia (Jakarta/Jogja/Bali) and online sessions all over the world.