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The misconception of common sense
Feeling homesick? Do things that change the chemistry of your brain!
Gift or bribe? The thin line between relationship management and corruption in Indonesia
Why living abroad is the best time for your personal development – 5 strong reasons
How mindfulness helps you to be successful abroad
What on earth does human “energy” mean and how can we work with it?
Living abroad: Coming home for Christmas
The journal of the German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Ekonid)
Dezember 2017: Sorotan 4-2017: When in Rome… does not work anymore.
March 2017: Sorotan 2-2017: “5 common issues for Germans doing business in Indonesia – and why cross-cultural competence matters.”
December 2016: Sorotan 4-2016: “The Art of Cross-Cultural Negotiations”
December 2015: Sorotan 4-2015: „A “thumbs-up“ is not for everyone“
October 2015: Sorotan 3-2015: “Read the signs!”
June 2015: Sorotan 2-2015: “(Un)certainty is essential!”
March 2015: Sorotan 1-2015: “Let it flow…! Let it flow…? What is the best approach for “managing time” within the German-Indonesien business culture?”
October 2014: Sorotan 3-2014: “What the presidential elections tell us about current leadership styles in Indonesia”
March 2014: Sorotan 1-2014: “The assembly of diverse team: Challenges and Prospects”
What about my pencil skirt? (German language)
The online source for expat partner –
Mai 2016: “Mehr Leichtigkeit im Expat-Alltag”
April 2015: “3 Dinge, die Expats vom asiatischen Straßenverkehr lernen können”
October 2014: “Kulturschock: 5 Wege aus der Krise”
April 2014: “Indonesien: über Megastaus, Tablets und Vulkanausbrüche”
March 2014: “Salamibrötchen unter Palmen”