How often do we hear people saying things like, “I´m so touched by this person that had such a positive energy”? Or on the other hand, “I´m so tired, I don´t have any energy left.” It´s like we know what these people are talking about. But to be honest, for many years I was wondering what “energy” in this sense actually means.
I realized that the term “energy” is used as substitute when people have difficulties to clearly express their emotions or detect the source of their personal struggles. As a result, human energy is often seen as something diffuse that has a strong spiritual touch and that is hard to explain with rational thinking. But this is not the case at all.
Some years ago, I was at a point where I suffered of so-called “bad energies” in and around myself. I felt so miserable in my life abroad that I wanted to find out what´s the crux of the matter of that “energy thing”. Most important was to learn what I could do to improve the quality of my own energy flow – and my life.
Since then, I have learned A LOT about human energies. And yes, I´m pretty fascinated by this topic because I realized that not less than here lies the key for personal growth and well-being.
Human energy is often seen as something diffuse that has a strong spiritual touch and that is hard to explain with rational thinking. But this is not the case at all.
To give you an idea what this all is about…
I´ll shed light on some major theories and practices that explain the phenomenon of human energy and that will help you to build a clear image of it.
I´ll also give you some tips of how to positively influence your energy flow in order to gain well-being, success & happiness.
Here we go…
The flow of “Chi”
When talking about human energy it becomes clear that this is nothing static but a certain power that is in motion. The Eastern sciences such as the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) speak of “Chi” or “Qi” as the life force that flows through our body. If this flow is easy and fluent, we feel good and in balance. We manage to perform easily, communicate successfully and are able to keep focus on that what we do.
However – and this is often the case unfortunately – this flow can be blocked in some parts of our body. Tense muscles, an unfortunate body posture or disconnected synapses act like rocks in a river and cause problems such as exhaustion, bad mood, misunderstandings and concentration disorders.
Energy pathways – The meridians
Kinesiology that is based on TCM (and that I refer to) understands that the Chi flows on certain pathways, the Meridians. These acupuncture vessels carry male (Yang) and female (Yin) energy from the head to the feet and the other way around. There are 14 Meridians on that more than 500 acupuncture points have been mapped. These meridians are connected to organs, body functions or the body midline. For example there is the heart meridian, the triple warmer or the central meridian. Western medicine has found that they also relate to the nerve system, blood and lymph vessels. Each of these 14 meridians works on basis of one of the 5 elements fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Have a look at the graph!

The circle of elements (Source:
If the flow of these meridians is in balance, you feel well, strong, confident and are able to connect easily to either new people or new environments.
…and yes, the colors of the 5 elements also play a role in my culturenergy logo.
Example: How does it work?
Let´s take the example of the stomach meridian: It´s a Yang meridian that works in the element of earth. Earth stands for the ground, for the soil under our feet in that we grow roots. People that live abroad or travel a lot often have been disconnected to their roots in a figurative sense and therefore show a poor grounding. It´s not surprising that as a result many expats suffer of a sensitive stomach. Another burden for the stomach of global people is that they have to “digest” many new information in always changing environments. This can also weaken the energy flow in the stomach meridian.
What kind of energy in a physical understanding is Chi actually?
Although I was fascinated by the findings of TCM and Kinesiology, I remained a bit unsatisfied about the explanation of Chi. Coming from a culture where every phenomenon is analyzed in detail and explained rationally, I longed for an explanation that from my German understanding of science makes sense.
In fact, there is! Modern scientific methods have shown that all energy that flows through our body is nothing else than electromagnetic waves. For example, our brain transfers information on neurological tracks by producing tiny electrical impulses. These can be measured with scientific instruments. Where there is electricity, there are electromagnetic fields – although being of very low frequency. Scientists believe that every single cell can communicate with other cells through these electromagnetic waves. The amazing news here is that we can influence these low frequency waves and have an impact on cells, organs and even whole body and brain functions! Or in other words: We can consciously influence our flow and so our performance and well-being.
All energy that flows through our body is nothing else than electromagnetic waves.
The energy flow in your brain
As you can see, there is a lot of electricity going on under your skullcap. But how does it look like? The flow of energy in our brain happens via neurological tracks. If these are well connected and “the spark jumps” between synapses, then you are easy in learning new things, in finding ideas, in thinking creatively and also in keeping focus. The different parts of your brain are well connected and have a good flow of energy.
But often – and especially when you face unfamiliar situations abroad – you feel tension or stress that causes that the spark does not jump well. Then you have developed a mental blockade. You have problems to get the bigger picture, to memorize, to keep focus or to just communicate effectively. But this is not the end of the story. The brain is a very dynamic organ that builds up thousands of new connections every day (despite the fact that it also loses quite a few). This process is called learning.
Paul and Gail Dennison, the founders of Brain Gym®, have discovered that simply by moving parts of our body we can build up new connections in our brain and so stimulate learning process. Moving causes that the different brain parts (i.e. the left and the right hemisphere) work together well, transfer impulses fluently and so help us to build up new knowledge and competences. In other words: Through movements we can stimulate the energy flow in our brain. Here lies the key to personal growth and success!
What can we do to positively influence the energy flow in your brain and body?
As we have learned until this point, the diffuse term of “human energy” stands for nothing else than electrical impulses and electromagnetic waves that influence our brain, our body and its functions. These waves can either flow or meet some obstacle. The next question is, what can we do to overcome these obstacles and stimulate our flow? Here are some tips to get started:
The flow in your brain:
Movement is the secret of a good energy flow in your brain. These movements can be very specific and targeted like in a therapy or Brain Gym balance (and to be honest, this is a pretty complex approach). But also a long walk in nature or physical workout helps to build up new connections and most important: to reduce stress.
The flow in your body
First of all: Before you work with your energy flow, you need to sensitize first. Develop your self-awareness! Learn to listen to your body! Notice how different parts of your body feel, where there is tension or discomfort. Meditation is a great tool to get started.
Second: Get to know your blockades. Have a sensitive stomach? Try to find out if it has something to do with your restless global life. Become aware of the elements of life and how they influence your physical and mental health. Subscribe to my newsletter, if you want to stay updated for topics like this.
Third: To get rid of tense muscles do physical workout. Especially techniques like Yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong are known to not only treat muscles and strings but also consciously work with the flow of Chi.
Fourth: Live healthy! All what you eat or drink or inhale is also energy that enters your body and that influences body and brain functions. Be aware of it! Follow a healthy and balanced diet. Needless to say that the regular consumption of pills or drugs or air pollution doesn´t support a good energy flow…
Fifth: Kinesiologists, Accupuncturists or Shiatsu Therapists are specialized in stimulating body energy. Reach out and find one.
A good energy is nothing fuzzy nor happens it by coincidence. As you have learned, you can consciously and actively influence the energy waves in your body and brain and so create a positive flow.
Interested to learn more? Reach out or subscribe to my newsletter. You need to balance your energy flow immediately? Click here to learn about my program!
“Touch for Health: The Complete Edition” by John Thie, DC. DeVorss & Company, Publisher, 2005.
Brain Gym® 101: Balance for Daily Life” by Paul E. Dennison and Gail E. Dennison, 2007.